Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Analysis - Scarlet Letter

The scarlet letter is meant to be a symbol of Hester Prynne’s shame. Instead, however, it is used to identify who Hester really is. Throughout the story the meaning of the letter â€Å"A† changes; at the beginning of the story it is used to mark Hester as an adulterer. In the middle of the story the letter stands for â€Å"Able†. And at the end of the story it becomes indeterminate. Overall the letter is used as a reminder to Hester’s sin and her as a result of it. There are times throughout the story that people cannot even recall what the letter stands for. Many people who are new to the area, or even have aged, do not know and have no idea about the sin that Hester committed. Even after the society makes a big deal about Hester wearing the letter after so long it doesn’t really matter. There are times when Hester tries to forget about it and Pearl reminds her that it’s there and that it’s always going to be there. At times the letter seems insignificant. For instance, when comparing the letter to Pearl. Pearl is a much stronger symbol of the sin that occurred. Pearl is a symbol of God while the Scarlet letter is a symbol of the society. It just goes to show how the society depends on the punishment and the reminder of the sin. In a society such as this it is impossible for someone to move on with their life after an incident such as Hester’s. Even her own daughter refuses to let her forget the mistakes she made, let alone the letter that is worn upon her bosom.... Free Essays on Analysis - Scarlet Letter Free Essays on Analysis - Scarlet Letter The scarlet letter is meant to be a symbol of Hester Prynne’s shame. Instead, however, it is used to identify who Hester really is. Throughout the story the meaning of the letter â€Å"A† changes; at the beginning of the story it is used to mark Hester as an adulterer. In the middle of the story the letter stands for â€Å"Able†. And at the end of the story it becomes indeterminate. Overall the letter is used as a reminder to Hester’s sin and her as a result of it. There are times throughout the story that people cannot even recall what the letter stands for. Many people who are new to the area, or even have aged, do not know and have no idea about the sin that Hester committed. Even after the society makes a big deal about Hester wearing the letter after so long it doesn’t really matter. There are times when Hester tries to forget about it and Pearl reminds her that it’s there and that it’s always going to be there. At times the letter seems insignificant. For instance, when comparing the letter to Pearl. Pearl is a much stronger symbol of the sin that occurred. Pearl is a symbol of God while the Scarlet letter is a symbol of the society. It just goes to show how the society depends on the punishment and the reminder of the sin. In a society such as this it is impossible for someone to move on with their life after an incident such as Hester’s. Even her own daughter refuses to let her forget the mistakes she made, let alone the letter that is worn upon her bosom....

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